Saturday, March 3, 2012

Donated blood today. No physical activity for me which means no run :S
I am sad today. Had a bad night last night of just feeling forever alone.
If someone hugged me, I honestly think I would full on burst into tears.
I want to run away.
This isn't the life I want. I want to be able to be selfish and not feel guilty about it.
All I ever do is worry about everyone else and it's a burden.
I feel everyone's sadness and loss of faith and anger and I am truly 100% affected by it.
I'm always the one to apologize first even if I haven't done anything wrong, because I'd rather let the other person feel right so they don't have to stress about it. I hate fighting.
I hate being so selfless. It's silly to say that about myself, but I really think I care too much for others.
I helped Shane through his depression. I tried to help Zach through his, but I haven't ever put that much effort into taking care of myself. I don't want to go to dinner tonight with Tonya and Shane, but I know Tonya would be happy if I went, so I will.
I told Shane I'd go to a movie with him after dinner even though I don't want to, but he seemed excited about it and I don't want to let him down.
I want to curl in bed and just escape for a million years.

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