Sunday, March 4, 2012

Went to a Buddhist temple today to pray and eat a vegetarian meal.
It was a real spiritual awakening. As soon as I stepped into the prayer room, I could feel my heart light up and suddenly, all my worries, annoyances, sadness, disappeared. All I felt was love and warmth and happiness. It was strange, and I was intrigued.
I am extremely interested in Buddhism now, and have started reading about it. They have little lecture books that guide you through what Buddhism is, one lecture at a time, and I just read the first book.
I realized my interpretation of Karma is completely off the line. If I treat someone nicely, it isn't going to return in Karma as good grades, it's going to return as someone treating me nicely in return. I can't expect to get a good job because I try my best to reduce my environmental impact, I'll get a good job if I do everything I can to get that good job. Karma isn't about favours coming back because you did some sort of good deed back in the day, it's about contributing all that you can towards your goals or towards being a good person. And in return, you'll achieve your goals and you'll be treated well by others.
Be your best every day, and you will be treated as a good person.

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