Sunday, July 22, 2012

So I have been constantly super busy with work these days.
It's been insane.
60 hour work weeks, 10 hour days in the office.
Just ridiculously crazy busy.

What's new with my life? Well let's see...
I bought a longboard. I have been riding it around a bit. It's pretty fun!
I am just about ready to buy my plane ticket to Australia.
I lost my wallet in a drunken escapade last weekend. Met randoms including a farmboy from Sundre who enjoys riding in the rodeo (SO COOL!). Went to Stampede with Rachelle and Lauren and then had another drunken night of fun where we met randoms on a stag party where we convinced them that Lauren could potentially be a man (even though her boobs are enormous!). We ate at Tubby Dog, which I think is totally overrated. I thought my dog was good, but not THAT good. A place called Beer Revolution in Calgary is super cool though. They have new beers whenever their shipment of kegs run out and they have a screen telling you how much is remaining and how many days of it they have left, which is a pretty awesome concept.
Had a mass breakdown while working out in the field this week. Apparently I didn't seal off one of the holes correctly, got scolded by Ian, and then proceeded to cry for like 3 hours. OMG. It was horrible and my driller didn't even know how to deal with it. Oh! And my driller who I totally thought was like 40 was only 28... How does that happen? People sometimes look so young and sometimes look so old. It probably has to do with the smoking?
I began studying for my history exam that is now in t-minus less than 3 weeks :S It has renewed my interest in classical music. I'm currently listening to Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in e- Op. 64 and I forgot how amazing some of this stuff is. It's so beautiful and captures the intricacy of certain instruments so well.
I have gotten so much closer to Rachelle in the last little while. She is moving to South Korea in less than a month for a year to teach English. So jealous. So we've been hanging out a lot to make up for all the time we won't get to see each other next year but we plan on weekly 'Wype' dates (Skype+Wine) so that we'll still be friends.
I have distanced myself from Shane a lot. He is too much of a burden to me. I mean, I get that he isn't overly outgoing or anything, but he clings too much. On a date with Kyle once upon a time, Kyle said to me, 'You know he's totally in love with you, right?' OMG. If it is that obvious to someone who has only seen us together twice, then it's obviously out of hand. How is Shane supposed to move on with his life if he keeps clinging to these stupid crushes to the point of insanity. I talked to Rachelle about it, and she told me it was super obvious too. I didn't notice, because I thought that was just how Shane was, but now I realize that everything I take an interest in, he decides he loves too. It's just too much, so I just stopped talking to him for a while, and we are going for lunch today. I think it might be awkward, but we're supposed to be going to Australia together soo... I should probably figure this situation out.

1 comment:

AN said...

Maybe Shane will just happen to fall in love with a non-friend before you guys leave for Australia! I think CBC Radio Two also played a role in reviving your interest in classical music, heehee. There is a longboarding event in Red Durr this weekend!