Monday, July 30, 2012

The discontentment with my body that I am currently experiencing is super uncomfortable.
I have gained about 10 pounds in the last two or three months and I feel it on my body.
With the amount of working I've been doing, I've lost track of working out, and eating healthy.
I eat bags of chips and cookies for dinner. That is definitely not normal.

Blah. I went for a 7k bike ride today and felt awful after it. Partially because I think I'm kind of sick, but still, I shouldn't feel that gross after such a short bike ride.
I need to stop these bad habits and stop making excuses and start taking responsibility for my body.

1 comment:

AN said...

Buy hummus and pitas!

Pita, hummus, veggies, fruit, and a handful of nuts. Or come home and Di Yee will cook you food to take back? Or nut butter and banana sandwiches everyday? Ready set go, EAT! Yay! And then snack time?

You can do it!