Tuesday, August 28, 2012

AH! Crazy busy week and all I want to do is nothing at all!
To do list:
Purchase travel insurance
Finish work term paper
Hang out with Elizabeth (YAY!!!!!)
Hang out with Shane and the other boys
Pack up room
Move out
Birthday celebration!!

I leave in less than 2 weeks. OMG. This is insane.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

JULIAN SMITH - Beached Whale

Somehow this label just doesn't seem quite right for a Guava Tea serving...
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Friday, August 24, 2012

BAH. I was so excited when Shane wasn't sure that he was going to come to Australia. I thought that almost for sure meant that he wouldn't be coming.
Now he is coming, which means he probably wants to get together while we are there.
I feel like I've truly outgrown him.
He went from being depressed to being normal-ish to being a 16 year old getting into drugs. It's awful. All he talks about is how awesome the drugged up music festivals he went to were.
I asked him today what made him finally decide to go to Australia, and he said that he was convinced during an acid trip that he took while at Shamballah.
OH BOY. Sooooo don't need to deal with that. Blah.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

So close to leaving for Aus!
I don't think Shane will end up coming.
Ahhhhhhh!!! Trip alone? Isn't that what I wanted to begin with! Hehe.
Check out the blog I've started for when I leave: http://www.journeytothelandofaus.wordpress.com
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Friday, August 10, 2012

Guaranteed pass on the history exam. Hello piano certificate :)
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Colder Weather-Zac Brown Band cover by Mitch Rossell

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Rachelle is leaving in less than a week.
I am actually really sad about being apart from her for a year.
Somehow we get along so well even though I've had my difficulties with her.
It's like, we never text unless we're going to hang out, but then when we hang out, we can talk forever and ever and make fun of people and have fun doing whatever.
Best friends material.
I'm going to miss her when she leaves.
I'm going to miss everyone so much when I leave.
All right. Here is the lowdown.
I had a huge crush on Chad, realized he is an alcoholic so decided to be just friends with him.
We sometimes have completely innocent sleepovers. We hang out at his hotel and drink and then sleep in the same bed but don't do anything sexual. AT ALL. Gross. He got fat and is an alcoholic. Friend material only.
So sometimes he will be sad or whatever so I'll go hang out with him even though he is smashed.
Then suddenly I went through this phase, I think it started about a month ago, where I started noticing how absolutely shitty people are. There are people in my life that don't make an effort to hang out with me, are completely selfish in that they only talk to me about themselves and don't acknowledge when I try to share my miseries with them, and won't do anything unless it is everything they want to do.
Now all of a sudden, everything about everyone bothers me! Except for my really close friends and family, I hate pretty much everyone. I go around thinking 'blah, you are so selfish, or stupid or whatever it is that is a flaw in them.' I'm really good at acting like nothing is wrong while I'm with them, but as soon as I am alone again, I start thinking about how awful they are! Maybe I'm just ready to leave this place, or maybe I've suddenly become a hermit.
Anyways, now I've been confronting Chad about how much I dislike pretty much 100% of things about him even though I'm friends with him. You know that friend that you despise when you're not around them but when you hang out, you have a ton of fun? That's him. I need to rant, so here it is:
He thinks money rules the world.
He won't ever come hang out with me closer to my place because he is a selfish prick.
He complains about being fat even though he eats like a large pizza, drinks a ton, and doesn't exercise and also smokes.
He acts like he is the greatest and smartest person ever and doesn't ever admit he is wrong.
That is all I can get out right now. All in all, why do I hang out with people who piss me off? I don't know. Sighhhh.
Selfish friends.
Fuck them.
That is all :)
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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Question of the day:

Who are you?
I am an insecure yet confident woman who acts like a girl and perceives the world in a way that is uniquely hers.

Monday, August 6, 2012

I love my life.
I love my life.
I love my life.
I love my life.
I truly do.
After an awesome weekend in Drumheller, a really good day, and driving with the window rolled down and feeling the breeze, I feel so happy with everything.
I'm so lucky to have what I have, and even luckier that I realize that I'm so blessed.
And the countdown suddenly becomes reality.
In t-one month, I'll be having my last day in Canada for almost a year.
Absolutely insane.
But now is when all the stress starts hitting me.
I need a tax file number, bank statements, I need to buy my ticket, etc.
I need to pack my bags. I need to throw away my old life in hopes of starting fresh and forgetting all the drama and stress of Edmonton and Red Deer.
I can't wait yet I'm dreading it.