Friday, August 24, 2012

BAH. I was so excited when Shane wasn't sure that he was going to come to Australia. I thought that almost for sure meant that he wouldn't be coming.
Now he is coming, which means he probably wants to get together while we are there.
I feel like I've truly outgrown him.
He went from being depressed to being normal-ish to being a 16 year old getting into drugs. It's awful. All he talks about is how awesome the drugged up music festivals he went to were.
I asked him today what made him finally decide to go to Australia, and he said that he was convinced during an acid trip that he took while at Shamballah.
OH BOY. Sooooo don't need to deal with that. Blah.

1 comment:

AN said...


Maybe if he is into drugs he will find his own little community in Australia to fit in with and you can just meet up occasionally like you do now.