Wednesday, August 8, 2012

All right. Here is the lowdown.
I had a huge crush on Chad, realized he is an alcoholic so decided to be just friends with him.
We sometimes have completely innocent sleepovers. We hang out at his hotel and drink and then sleep in the same bed but don't do anything sexual. AT ALL. Gross. He got fat and is an alcoholic. Friend material only.
So sometimes he will be sad or whatever so I'll go hang out with him even though he is smashed.
Then suddenly I went through this phase, I think it started about a month ago, where I started noticing how absolutely shitty people are. There are people in my life that don't make an effort to hang out with me, are completely selfish in that they only talk to me about themselves and don't acknowledge when I try to share my miseries with them, and won't do anything unless it is everything they want to do.
Now all of a sudden, everything about everyone bothers me! Except for my really close friends and family, I hate pretty much everyone. I go around thinking 'blah, you are so selfish, or stupid or whatever it is that is a flaw in them.' I'm really good at acting like nothing is wrong while I'm with them, but as soon as I am alone again, I start thinking about how awful they are! Maybe I'm just ready to leave this place, or maybe I've suddenly become a hermit.
Anyways, now I've been confronting Chad about how much I dislike pretty much 100% of things about him even though I'm friends with him. You know that friend that you despise when you're not around them but when you hang out, you have a ton of fun? That's him. I need to rant, so here it is:
He thinks money rules the world.
He won't ever come hang out with me closer to my place because he is a selfish prick.
He complains about being fat even though he eats like a large pizza, drinks a ton, and doesn't exercise and also smokes.
He acts like he is the greatest and smartest person ever and doesn't ever admit he is wrong.
That is all I can get out right now. All in all, why do I hang out with people who piss me off? I don't know. Sighhhh.

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