Monday, July 30, 2012

And I took another day off.
I just didn't feel like driving to work today! I worked from home for about a half day.
I went to lunch with Mardy and then we biked around downtown, had a coffee, and said our final goodbye for a year. I won't see her again before I leave for Aus. How sad!
Apparently Karen from work saw me out when I was supposedly sick, so she was bugging me about it. Karen makes my life difficult. She somehow has managed to invade my personal bubble and is incredibly moody and ruins my day sometimes just because she is a grumpy bear! I like her and all, but it's like Rachelle, just a bit overwhelming at times. Sigh.

Now that Australia is getting closer, I'm getting nervous! What if I can't figure out health care while I'm there! And what if I don't love it as much as I think I will. What if it's harder to find a job than I thought it would be? Just so many worries! The reality of it is finally setting in. In a month and a half, I'm going to be halfway across the world with no support system. Omg. It's scary.
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1 comment:

AN said...

You had lunch, biked, and had coffee with Mardy??? That sounds like so much fun!!!!!!!

You haven't even gotten there yet! Don't worry about not loving it. Once you get there, it'll start making sense. And as long as you've got a working computer and internet access, you will have a support system!!! But first - you need a plane ticket!