Monday, September 9, 2013

Where did the weekend go?

So my weekend went by like a blur! Oh my goodness. While I was having beers with Elizabeth yesterday, she commented on how she had to work 'tomorrow', and I was like, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO WORK ON SUNDAY?! She said, it is Sunday right now dumbo. Hahaha. What the heck, eh?
Saturday started with an early morning wake-up to bike to the yoga studio. I used the studio to do some self practice for an hour and then it was a crazy busy day there! Lots of people want to do yoga on Saturday mornings apparently! Then I went home before heading over to Danielle's house. Danielle is married now and lives with Aaron in a townhouse in Sherwood Park. It is a cute area but definitely not as homey as Amanda's new home. We baked chocolate quinoa cake with banana icing! It was yummy. And then made quinoa with vegetables for dinner. So delicious.
On Sunday, I went for an 8k run and got totally lost! I had no idea where I was but then I came across the pedestrian bridge that crosses the river and figure out where I was. I ran much further than I had intended to. Then, I biked to yoga, had an intense yoga class, biked to the university and had a mandarin lesson. Mandarin is so complex! The sounds are similar to cantonese for some, but other sounds I can't even make! It is very strange. I feel lost in it all. Then, I went home, took a shower, and headed to dinner and drinks with Elizabeth after a long phone call with Layla. We went to Beer Revolution! Their pizza was so delicious and so were the beers.
Elizabeth seems to be in a much better place than when I first met her last year and when I last saw her. She is social and happy and biking and doing a lot of things that I couldn't have seen her even trying last year. She invited me to a pirates and wenches party on Friday. I am excited to go!
Anyways, today I woke up feeling awful! I had a horrible night of sleep. I woke up at 4 a.m. with my body sore and hot and tired and hungry, so I couldn't fall back asleep for nearly an hour! So when I woke up to go to class, I felt like crap, and it got a little better throughout the day but not that much.
Then today was my first day back at choir! I thought I would be really excited to sing again, but it made me grumpy! I don't know why. I hope that it is just because I had a rough day today. Here is hoping it gets better.
Tomorrow, I am going running, then class, then sleep, then a Syncrude presentation, then yoga, and sleep!
Good night!

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