Monday, September 30, 2013

Phew, what a day? Week? How long has it been?

WOW! Life has been so crazy and busy and wonderful and horrible at the same time. I'm absolutely in love with my life, in case I haven't ever announced that enough times. I go through phases where I feel really sad and thinl, Why me? But they never last. I love everything I have and I want to emphasize how incredibly grateful I am that I have everything I do. Not everyone gets to be as blessed as me, and I want to do my best to appreciate how incredible my life really is.
So, where do I begin?? Not last Wednesday, but the Wednesday before, Tom and I broke things off officially. Well I broke things off with Tom officially. Before this, even though he was across the world from me, I wanted to give our relationship a chance. Something I blame movies and chick flick "fairy tale" endings for. I thought maybe this would be my fairy tale ending. YA RIGHT. So this wasn't working at all. Mostly because there was a general lack of communication between us. I gave up trying to talk to him because he wouldn't tell me anything about what he was doing. I like play by plays of people's days, and I like to tell my play by play. It's fun! But he didn't tell me anything and then only ever asked me how school was, even though school is maybe only 40% of what I do in life. So obviously we weren't on the same page, I was sick of feeling let down and tired of just sitting, waiting, wishing, so I took a step towards happiness and fixed it. We are now friends but now I don't feel like I'm waiting forever for him to come to me, or to talk to me, or whatever. We just talk when we do, and I'm okay with that.
Now, I met a boy named Jake, and we have been hanging out quite a bit, and he just makes me laugh and makes me feel beautiful, and blah blah blah. Classic girl meets boy type of stuff. I am happy right now and that's all the matters to me at the moment. I don't want to focus too much on being with a boy, but I think I've got it balanced just right. New boyfriend! Hurray. Things are going well. We have been dating for... 2 days. HAHAHAHA. Let's see how fast things go downhill, ya?
Other than boys, I have been crazy busy! I worked 3 days last week, went to school full time, played dodgeball, made a new friend and went for coffee with him, volunteered at the yoga studio, went running, did yoga, played ultimate frisbee, went to the gym, learned more mandarin, sang with some members of the choir at the night the light walk for 'blood cancer', and hung out with some other friends. (Also got absolutely too drunk to function, but we'll just ignore that part...) So, all in all, life is hectic, but I'm getting everything done, I feel better than I ever have before, and I am loving every single moment of it. Silly enough, last night when I was doing homework, I actually enjoyed doing it. I know, right? Crazy.
Anywho, I gotta get to work.
Have a good week!!!

1 comment:

AN said...

Ha ha, reading your post made me feel like you were standing in front of me telling the whole story in a single breath. Glad you are lub lub lubbin' life!