Monday, November 18, 2013

Story of my life

One Direction usually has songs that don't mean much and videos that don't mean much, but if you watch this video and listen to the song, it has a pretty good story with real meaning. This song makes me cry, especially with Liam (I think) and his grandparents. It makes me think about my parents and my auntie and how they are aging at what seems like a much quicker rate than when I was little. And I wish we could just freeze at this age and live for a long time. I don't want them to go through anything to do with old age, like mental problems or health problems or things like that.
After a wonderful weekend in Banff, I was home for a day and then came back to Edmonton and everytime, it seems, that I go home and come back here, I want to just cry for days. I notice the changes in them or I just miss them even though I know they will be there the next time I have time to visit. I just wish I could spend more time with them without actually living with them, you know? It is a weird feeling but I just don't want things to change. I love my family and I love life right now and I just wish it could stay the same forever.

This weekend was great. I got to spend time with Jake and he met Danielle and Aaron and Shawn and we baked cookies and ate cookies and it was relaxing, but I'm suffering from SAD at the moment I think. Also, I think I have anxiety for some reason. I can't sleep through the nights anymore. I woke up with a tight squeezing in my chest and felt really worried and couldn't breathe in the middle of the night last night. I don't know what is going on... It is extremely strange.

1 comment:

AN said...

My dear sister, your wish is my reality right now. Now that I've moved out, I've got the best of both worlds. I have my space to live and grow but now I'm always welcome at their home and we get to experience the best of each other. My relationship with our parents is probably the best it has ever been right now. :)

If you're ever overcome with worry in the middle of the night, feel free to call me! <3