Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Yoga saved my soul

I was in a terrible place at the end of my 3rd year of university.
I was with a horrible person living a horrible life and trying to escape into the life and human being that I wanted to be.
Yoga saved my soul. The power of it's embrace throughout ordinary life fixed everything and gave me clarity.
Breathing through problems, seeing things as moments and letting them go as they pass.
Today, I went to Power House and Joe said something meaningful. We've been taught to hold on to all the anger, the bad things that happen and we don't let them go. That's what yoga has taught me most. The most important thing is being able to breathe through problems and just let them pass as they will.
Shit happens, life goes on.
Things can be worse. Be happy with what you have.
Be the good. Believe there is good.

1 comment:

AN said...

Jeez! I've never thought of you as a horrible person, but I'm glad yoga has played such an important role in your life.

Working NR is such a great reminder of all the good in the world for me. Nothing quite like walking away after a great conversation with clients. :)