Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hm. Growing up

The more I think about, the more confused about everything I kind of feel, but I get more excited as well.
Looking back on everything that happened over the last year or so, I couldn't have asked for a more life changing kind of experience.
I left Australia with a long distance boyfriend that just did not go well. I watched my first same age friend get married. I discovered the power of yoga. And I discovered so many other things about myself that I didn't know.
I realize now that I love to control everything. I wish I could control every single thing that happened to me at all points in time.. but I can't. Micromanaging is my things, and I realize that I'm really good at it -> potential career in management or something? Perhaps..
I realize that I don't appreciate my alone time enough. Lately I've been spending so much time with Jake that I've actually been stressing myself out without really meaning to. I love hanging out with him, but sometimes it's nice to just sit at home in front of the TV. Fart, laugh, tumbl, text, read magazines, paint my nails, whatever.. by myself and just frickin enjoy how awesome I am.
I realized how much I really want to do the whole societal routine thing. I dooo want to get married and have a life with a dog and a cat with my significant other. I want to own a house with him and plant pretty flowers and decorate the inside of our house with beautiful things that don't match each other and cook and sing and dance when I get home from work... and BAKE. OMG. I want to bake so badly.
I realize that I always expect other people to read my mind. I've recently become a lot more straightforward to people. For a long time, I've just expected people to be kind or to take the kinds of actions I would expect them to, but people don't always have the same ideas that I have. They don't plan 7 days into the future or plan the details of a night to make sure everything gets accomplished. Sometimes I need to make my ideas heard, and I'm starting to get a feel for how to do this in a nice-ish way. Also, sometimes people just need to be told how stupid they are or how not nice their attitude is.
I also hold people to an extremely high standard. At this age, I expect people my age to act with respect to all others. To not be racist, sexist, hold grudges or judge people that are not as well off as they are. Thisss is not an accurate depiction of a lot of people my age. The good ones exceed or meet my expectations. The others, well, either they've chosen to be rude or they were raised a different way than I was. But people are who they are, and I can't change that. I just hold people on this pedestal and expect them to treat everyone as if they were royalty, especially myself, but sometimes I think I need a good slap in the face to show me that I'm not really a princess... I'm just a regular girl! And sometimes I don't treat people as well as I should either, so I should stop being a hypocrite!

Anyways, I'm sure I could go on forever. But this keyboard sucks (I'm using Jake's computer) and also, I should probably go to bed seeing as I have school, choir, work, an 18k run, and a report to finalize tomorrow.

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