Tuesday, March 25, 2014


After a delightful weekend at home, I got to thinking about how close I am to just being done everything!!
2 and a half weeks of class left, finishing on April 9. With one class even ending early, possibly by Wednesday next week.
One month from tomorrow, I will have written my final exam of my undergrad education.
2 months from now, I will have started my full time job as an engineer in training.
OMG! My life is getting so exciting.

Things that I am looking forward to:
Working (ie. my first paycheck!!)
Going to the east coast
Seeing Layla again
Going to the Stampede
Running my first ever half marathon
Doing the MS Bike tour
Continuing yoga practice. I see headstands in the future :)
Potential training for a triathlon
New playlists for running and workouts!
Cleaning the crap out of my room (Goodbye schoolwork!!)

I'm so excited right now. I fluctuate through being scared and being excited about the future. I'm currently super excited. So I'll embrace the feeling :)

1 comment:

AN said...
