Saturday, March 1, 2014

Now here's the thing about me.
I hate being alone, but I love being alone.
Tonight I'm sitting all alone in my home. Fireplace is on. Chick flick on. And doing headstands during commercial breaks.
Loving it, yet hating it.
I hate that I feel like I'm missing out by not being out dancing or drinking or doing something else. But I hate even more that I feel like I'm crazy for being upset about being alone.
Alone time is healthy, but there is such a social thing about being a loser if you're alone.
Sometimes I don't like people. And sometimes I just want to be alone. I love being alone right now, but I feel like a loser for loving being by myself.
I painted my nails. Probably should do my laundry... Oh well. More headstands :)

Tomorrow is big run day followed by a workshop at MEC about maintaining my bike. Then shopping for a crazy sweater with Jake, and homework and cuddles for the night.

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