Friday, April 29, 2011

Things I want to give up:

  • Feeling selfish when I don't rearrange my schedule to make everything work for everyone else.
  • Doing this to make people happy when it just makes me angry.
  • Feeling like I need to be perfect so that people will like me.
  • Feeling guilty after eating a big bag of chips.
  • Feeling guilty about having a lazy day when it helps my mental health.
  • Having too high of expectations for myself.
  • Feeling bad when I go over budget for the month.
  • Stressing out about the small stuff.
  • Feeling too emotional about silly things to fall asleep.
Things I don't ever want to give up:
  • Believing in myself.
  • Doing things that make myself happy.
  • Trying to do everything I can to help the world in the ways I believe in.
  • Being a free spirit and not caring what other people think.
  • Sitting and looking at pictures on tumblr for hours.
  • Caring about people I don't even know.
  • Going out and having fun with friends.
  • Celebrating other people's or my own accomplishments.
  • Enjoying the sun and all the delicious ice cream it brings into my belly :)

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