Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Last night was such a gong show! I love my drillers.
We finished work early so we went to the Rock for 2.75 pints and pizza!
Then we proceeded to get absolutely wasted, Tabitha also joined us and they ordered her enough drinks to catch up with our plastered-ness.
After being there for about 4 hours, Tabitha wanted popcorn so we slowly made our way to the mall so we could get kernels. We went through the Bay and apparently Luke had a bit of a crush on Tabi because he bought her a 100 dollar bottle of perfume even though he has a wife and kids... A little skeezy, but I mean, she got free perfume!
Then we got delicious white ched popcorn and threw it at each other while we played some ridiculous points game that Luke made up that rated our awesomeness basically based on how much we dissed him.
Finally, we made it to the bank to grab cash, and then the strippers where we proceeded to get even more shitter'd than before. Threw money at naked women, won posters and lighters, and walked home.
Absolutely hilarious.
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1 comment:

AN said...

Oh Luke...

That part you did not tell in person! :O