Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring snow falls are so beautiful.
The sun shines and the snow melts as it hits your face.
You can stand outside and look up at the sky and not freeze your bum off.
And it only lasts a few days, reminding you of how beauty is in the simplest things and that you should appreciate them while they last.

Everyone says "Oh stupid snow, go away."
But we should realize that people who don't get snow are astonished by its beauty.
It's so simple, that moment when you stick out your tongue and smile because you can feel the frozen little flakes land on your tongue.
The moment when your crush throws a snowball at you.
When you look outside your window, and there's a snowman smiling and waving at you.
The giggles of children making snow angels.
How the streetlights seem to make a glowing purple color with the snow and sky.
And the crunching sound that your tires make as you drive off.

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