Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The smell of incense reminds me of 2nd year.
Living in my basement suite, skipping school, trying to pretend I was happy when I was so utterly disappointed in myself.
I hit a ridiculous low point between first year and throughout second year.
Things weren't good.
And now I smell the incense and it makes me feel sad yet happy.
I don't know what it is about the smell of it that makes my heart feel warm.
I guess it sort of reminds me never to go back to where I was.
To stop taking people's bullshit.
To start just being happy with myself.

I guess it's a nice reminder that I only have one life to live, and that one person shouldn't be the entire focus of my life.

Josh told me I had a 'free pass' on Monday when I was out with my drillers.
It made me extremely angry. The fact that he still doesn't trust me makes me think that maybe there's a reason why he doesn't. Is it because I shouldn't trust him? Or that if he gives me a free pass, then I have a chance to get even for something I don't know he did? No idea. Mostly I just feel like life is too short for bullshit. If you are in a relationship with someone, why would you give them a 'pass'? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of being with only that one person.
Just absolutely stupid. I don't really know how I feel about that. But life always seems to work itself out. One of the perks of this world.

1 comment:

AN said...

Dear Josh, I dislike your BS.

*Gemini angry tap on the face*