Monday, September 16, 2013

Hello, I'm back. Did you know that? Hello? Hello? No? Okay...

My weekend was amazing. It was a lot of fun and yet still quite productive. I wish all my weekends felt like this one, but I think a lot of it depends on how optimistic my outlook is on the whole thing. So I had a pretty odd, sad, lonely mood day on Friday. Mostly I just felt weird. Like not in a bad mood for any particular reason, not very happy, but not like super depressed or anything. Just a weird numb feeling. I saw Blue Jasmine the day before though, so it might have been the scene with the ocean and my sudden feeling of how badly I miss Cairns and the ocean and diving! But I got over it.
On Friday night, I thought, I could use a few drinks, and Elizabeth had invited me to a pirates and wenches party with her Meetup group so I told her I would tag along. The people that we met up with were considerably older than I thought they would be, like instead of 30s to 40s, more like 40s to 60s? Hahaha. But oh man, was it a good night. Elizabeth had a bit of a bad day, and when I say a bit, I mean a lot bit of a bad day, so she needed a few drinks too I think. SOO.. we had a drink, or two, or four. LOL. Her group of friends is a lot of fun, a few of them were full blown pirated up, and we talked, danced, drank, and watched a couple of young 'uns make a fool of themselves on the dance floor. It was super hilarious. And when I say young 'uns, they were actually older than me, but at that point, I felt more mature than them. We flirted with some older men, some creepy men hit on us, a gross guy kept farting around us and pretending it wasn't him... IT WAS GREAT. Not the farting part, but the whole night. So we stayed out until almost 1 which is what I think we both needed. And let me say, sleep was a good sleep that night.
On Saturday, I went to the yoga studio early to do some self practice in front of the mirror. Then I volunteered for the usual 4ish hours, took a stroll down Whyte to some stores, bought a few things, and headed home. After a night out, I was exhausted, so I took a nap, watched a few movies, and met up with a new friend named Jake to go to La Shish and smoke some shisha. We had a few drinks, talked, smoked yummy grape and mint flavoured water, and then headed to Whyte Ave for a night out on the town. His cousin from Millet came into town too and we met up with her and her friend and they were WEIRD. Not like I hated them because they were weird but just that they were different from people that I expect to be adults. I guess I'm used to the clean cut girls and the hipster girls and the girls who only wear Lulu Lemon, but they were like the green and black striped knee socks, chucks, black skirt, baggy hoody types of girls. Not who I would normally talk to, but they seemed okay enough... Didn't really talk to them too much, because we went to Funky Buddha, got wayy to many drinks in too little of time, and danced like crazy until last call. It was a lot of fun! Of course, the hangover the next day was not...
I woke up when Di Yee called me on Sunday to say, HELLO WE ARE AT SUPERSTORE! So naturally, I was already late for life, hungover, and hungry AND I WAS GRUMPY. Hmmm. Surprise surprise. But we at lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant, went shopping mainly for mooncakes, and generally just acted like Asians! Then they dropped me off at home, and I took a quick break to recover, and headed off to my mandarin lesson with Zack. He is such a nice guy! He was saying how he is a lonely guy because at work, he works solo, his wife and him divorced, and he is not good at making friends. So my plan is to be as helpful as possible in getting him involved with Elizabeth's meetup group. I think he could fit in there depending on what kind of activities they decide to have in the future. I really want to see him happier because he seems a bit depressed :( I hate knowing that someone is a bit unhappy with life. I feel like my mandarin is improving a bit. Their way of associating the alphabet to their symbols is called pinyin and it makes a heck more sense after processing it and watching youtube videos about it for a week. It is going to be amazing if I can half communicate when I go to China one day. Then, I had a Skype date with Rachelle and drank Fruli and had my girl vent session for about an hour and a half, and then I cleaned my room, jumped on my bed, and went to sleep at a non-decent hour.
Today when I woke up, I felt all the booze and the not sleeping kick in, but I had a great day. Went to class, worked out, biked, finished an assignment, napped, and went to choir. All in all, I think life is heading upwards.

1 comment:

AN said...

Hello! Hello!! I'm here! I know you're back!! I thought I was commenting more than I actually am. :s

Thanks for the big fun story about your weekend!! I thoroughly enjoy your ability to just go and have a fun night out. Ha ha, I can totally picture the kind of girl you described. How'd you meet Jake? It's so awesome that you're picking up mandarin, and so nice of you to see if you can connect Zack to Elizabeth's meetup group. You such a nice girl!

See you on the weekend!<3