Sunday, October 6, 2013


That is not a screaming Ahhhhhh. That is a relaxed sigh of relief Ahhhhhhhh. :)
This weekend I headed home after having a crazy busy week of everything! It gets hard sometimes when life is so busy that I am constantly rushing around, but I made the decision to do that and I love/hate it! Monday was school, work, choir. Tuesday was school, school, dodgeball. Wednesday was my school and free day. And by free, I mean doing homework but I got to see Jake. And then Thursday was school, work, school! Friday was nice and relaxed, but I still feel like I rush around a lot because silly me cannot just sit still and relax at home! My version of relaxing is fitting in every physical activity that I possibly can. Haha. So instead of relaxing during my class break or after classes, I went to the gym and then went to yoga. BUTTTTT.
I got a nice relaxing Friday night and Saturday and Sunday morning at home in Red Deer. The cool part was that I drove Alvin home from school on Friday and it was so nice getting to talk to him like a real person rather than just my cousin/relative. He seems like he has become a really really nice kid!
On Friday night, I went shopping with the rents at Superstore, and then I did homework til past midnight and went to bed. On Saturday, I woke up early to go for a run, hung out with Amanda, went to the dentist, went and got my oil changed (not actually mine but my car's, DUH), and then made dinner which was spaghetti squash mac and cheese! So delicious and easy to make. Afterwards, I saw Lauren at Starbucks and we chatted for nearly 4 hours! And then homework til wayyyy too late at night. Today, I woke up and saw Amanda briefly, did headstands over and over because I can finally do them against a wall! And then homework, now relaxing before the drive back to Edmonton. Today is ultimate frisbee and super study day! I have a midterm on Thursday and I am determined to ace it!

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