Saturday, January 18, 2014

It's January 18 and already I'm overwhelmed!

BLAH! Haha. I feel like screaming and just letting it all go. It's not that being overwhelmed for me is even a bad thing. It's almost like I enjoy doing too many things at once, because then procrastination is just so much more fun.
When Jake was out of town in Conklin last week, I felt like I had all the time in the world to get everything done. Since I started school again, I've been going to bed at around 11 p.m. and waking up at 6:30 a.m. everyday. It has been magnificent. I never felt better. By the time Saturday rolled around last weekend, I felt amazing. I also had been eating very healthily with lots of fruits and vegetables and no junk food or deep friend things. I also started training for my half marathon, so logging approximately 20 km a week and also doing yoga 3 or 4 times a week plus a visit or 2 to the gym. So busy busy being active and productive.
Then Jake came back and everything changed! It's not that I like him being gone, it's that I like him being gone. HAHA. If you backtracked on that sentence, no I didn't make a mistake, I meant it to say the same thing twice.
Pros to Jake being gone: I'm super productive, have time to myself, get my homework done, go to yoga, stick to my schedule, eat healthy.
Cons to Jake being gone: He's gone and I miss him.

SO as you can see, I liked him being gone but was sad that he was gone all the same. It's just that now that he's back, I feel like my schedule is just so altered. If I stay at his place, he doesn't leave for work until 7 and then I need to start my morning routine about 45 minutes late. If he stays at my place, he wakes up half an hour too early and throws off my sleeping pattern. Plus I don't sleep as well when he is there. It's just not the same as the peace of being alone in bed. Also, I like doing yoga every night. If I do yoga for about an hour or an hour and a half at night time, I still have 4 or so hours to get everything else done if I have the night to myself. With Jake around, I end up spending time with him, or I skip yoga to hang out with him so that I have time for everything else after. I wish I had an extra 3 hours a day or something!
Another problem is that at this exact moment in time, I'm obsessed with yoga. Not only the asana (or postures) but the mental side to it all as well, such as meditation, learning about the chakras, the limbs, and ayurveda. And because I like to spend free time with Jake, I give that time up that I could be spending reading about these things. I would almost rather prioritize yoga over Jake because I feel like it's a real passion.
It stresses me out when I can't go to yoga, but then it stresses me out even more when I go to yoga because then Jake assumes that I just don't want to see him and feels ignored or whatever. It's hard to compromise. Like really difficult!
I hope that going to work in May makes things a bit easier. Although I have work for more time than school everyday, I have that time at night to unwind and relax. Hopefully do yoga and spend time with him AND still have time for my reading and being alone. It will be nice to go home at the end of the day and not have any homework to do.

On the topic of work, I've unofficially accepted their offer and will be starting work on May 20! EEP! Time to make some money and feel less broke. I feel like my first days come at a good time too, because it will be time to buy some summer clothes. TEEHEHE. I can't wait to spend some money on shopping. It's been a long time since I haven't been stressing out about money. It will be nice to lose that stress.
Also, I think I have been getting hives from stress. Today, I was just sitting in the yoga studio, and a big massive red lump appeared on my left shoulder. It is not very itchy, but extremely irritated. Earlier this year, I got two on my leg and they have been recurring issues for a while. I wonder if they are stress bumps! Hopefully nothing medically bad though. That would be horrible.
Anyways, I think I have said enough for the day! Ta ta for now. Have a beautiful week ladies!

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