Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I think I'm becoming someone else!!

The more I think about it, the more I realize that I'm becoming the same person my mother is when it comes to relationship.
I'm sure they had their happy times, but lately their relationship is my mother being mad and my dad loving her but knowing that she is insane... and just letting it be.
It's so crazy because I see that now so clearly that I am that person in every single way. I want things to do be done my way. He does this, I hate it and so I get mad, but it's a preference thing, and I really don't need to be mad. He can't read my mind, but I expect him too and I just get annoyed and frustrated and upset and I read into so many situations that are not anything more than a simple mix up or a incorrectly phrased joke or whatever.
Why is it that I dwell so much on these little things? I get so angry for no reason. And I know I do, yet I still do it.
Today, I was pissed off because this morning, my law teacher made an extremely sexist comment. Later Jake was telling me about how he bugs his coworker about being 'such a girl' or something like that, and I got super irritated with him. On other days, I probably just would have laughed, but it bothered me sooooo much today and I got so mad for no reason. Of course, I got over it, but I feel like all these little things are going to accumulate in hatred towards a person for no reason.
It's just a bad aura that is starting to come into my being. I hate it and I need to start committing myself to letting things slide and believing things to be innocent when they really are.
Eep. I need help...

On another note, I was super tired from not sleeping and Jake was super drunk and everything is fine now. I'm just really good at overreacting these days. I have not felt like myself since last Friday. Something is up with me. I need to figure out what it is.

1 comment:

AN said...

Could it be that the winter has lasted too long? Two people have told me that February is a bad month for them because by then the snow and darkness is too much to stand anymore.

I wonder if most relationships involve the woman demanding many things of a man. I've observed it a few times with my friends. Maybe it's a pattern we naturally fall into and have to work doubly hard to get out of.

Maybe stopping to breathe will help with letting things slide?

Lots of love! <3