Wednesday, February 5, 2014

4 blocks away

So Jake got evicted from his apartment and has moved into a new apartment only 4 blocks away from me! Super convenient :)
His apartment is pretty small, but I think it's almost the perfect size for one person. Enough space to move around, but not so much space that it becomes lonely. It has this horrible yet lovely dark fuschia-red carpet and it is cozy but sooooo not a man color.
His building has a swimming pool and hot tub, sauna, and a workout room. It is super convenient for him to do everything in which is great :)
I like him being so close! Plus I get to use his hot tub.

On Friday night, he got drunky drunky and got emotional... again! He told me on Sunday that he never got emotional when he drank before, and for some reason he is these days. I think life has been pretty hard on him. His job is extremely unorganized, and he is working nights, but can't seem to fall asleep during the day. So he doesn't sleep and is constantly tired all the time and I think it's wearing him down!
But basically he confessed that he moved into this apartment with the main factor that I was walking distance away. EEP! That's cute. But he always also says that I'm far too good for him and that I'll leave him eventually so he doesn't know why he keeps thinking things will last. SIGHHH. So insecure, that boy.

Confession!!! I haven't really told anyone, but he was once married and has a child. She is in Halifax with her mother's family. Big news, but I knew pretty much right when we met, so I guess that it's good that he told me... Things that adults have to deal with, right?

1 comment:

AN said...

Thanks for sharing! I think in some ways we're lucky to live in a day and age in which these things aren't totally shocking and yes, it's good that he was upfront about it!