Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I can't believe it is February!

Holy moly. I can't believe we are 1/12 done the 2014 year already.
Here's a few things I've noticed about myself over the last month:

  • I have become extremely committed to my physical activity. I love my running, yoga, and gym and feel sad when I miss a day for a not very good reason. But my rest days are well deserved!
  • I've stopped counting calories. I just eat when I want to. (and whatever I want to)
  • Routine worked really well for me. Waking up at 6:30 a.m. and going to bed at 11 p.m. made my days just flow a lot better and I've fallen out of that routine recently. Time to get back into it!
  • I've gotten stronger physically. I ran 12k on Sunday and felt like I could have ran 10 more. It is so easy now to run 5k :) I don't ever feel really exhausted during yoga anymore and my balance has improved so much! My arms are getting stronger! I can do all my machines with more weight than last year!
  • My mental state is a lot calmer. The lack of weekly assignments and midterms are really doing me a favour.
  • I am loving my morning smoothie. It tastes delicious and is rich in protein :)
  • I'm mentally prepared to start working full time. I'm so out of school mode and so into work mode.
  • I've stopped spending so much money. I haven't gone shopping in ages and haven't eaten out nearly as much as before Christmas. Also, I don't buy coffee anymore. I always make my own in the morning (well almost always).
  • Although Jake and I spend a lot of time together, it's never for long periods of time which has been nice. Having my own life for the other 21 hours of the day is great. And I haven't skipped yoga or workouts to be with him which I did in the past!
  • I just feel healthier and stronger! It is such a good feeling :)

1 comment:

AN said...

What a great start to the year!!!

*high five*