Friday, February 28, 2014

Dee dee daaa laaa la la la

Yesterday, I was in my bathroom and then I turned off the light and walked out and it was around 6:30 so it was pretty much dark. And Jake jumped out and scared me. And I screamed, covered my face with my hands and started crying. OMG. What happens if someone actually tries to jump me?! Am I just going to stand still and start crying? When did I get so jumpy? Ai ya.

Last week was the best thing ever. Reading week is meant to give students a much needed break so that they can make it through the second semester of post-sec. It definitely revitalized me! I worked 36 hours in four days, watched Olympics, hung out with the boyfriend, and just enjoyed myself. It was soooo nice not to have to think about going to school or even see people at school. I think I just hate the atmosphere of school. I love the campus, it's super pretty. I hate the stressed atmosphere and the unhappiness that lingers in the buildings. I've found that I've become increasingly sensitive to the way that people feel. If someone has something bothering them, I tend to feel it. And if they are happy, I feed off it. Being at school is like being surrounded by mist at a dance club. It's fun for a bit because you get to enjoy the atmosphere, but then the smell hits you and the fact that you can't see anything starts to piss you off. It's the same at school. I like seeing the friendly smiles and people having fun, but then you see the people crying over bad grades or studying for 12 hours a day or the people who are so stuck on doing well that they are alone... It's hard not to see past happy when you've been on campus for so long and have experienced the other realm where people are travelling and doing nothing overly productive for a year. I hate it! I can't wait to be done.

This week has been going a lot better. Reading week capped off with Amanda staying over and it was the bestest! I love having girly sleepovers :)
But I got some homework done early this week. Got back on track with running and working out and yoga. Met an awesome girl on Wednesday that I trained for volunteering at the studio. I have a midterm today, and then I'm free for the weekend! Except I have a 7 hour school related workshop tomorrow :( But you know, I'll enjoy it since there will be no homework attached to it, plus it's on the weekend! I don't know why, but things on Saturday or Sunday always just feel more relaxed. It's all mental, I know!
Not even remotely stressed for my midterm. It's worth 26% of my mark. I don't care because it's my last semester, and I'm pretty sure my grades aren't going to be the best this semester anyways. I expect solid B+ average :) Not like that's even bad!
Anywho, I have a midterm next Thursday and then midterms are done. Then it's the final stretch. One more month pretty much. Classes finish on April 9 and I could not be more excited. Already, I've been planning what I'm going to do when classes finish and what I'm going to do with my two weeks off after school is done completely and I'm not in Mexico. Mountains? Hang out here and yoga my heart out? Gosh, there are so many things that I could potentially do. :)

Here's a cheers to life and all the potential that we have!
Remember to breathe and let go of the things that aren't positive in your life.

1 comment:

AN said...

I think maybe I would react that exact same way to being scared! On Thursday when Melissa was over, she didn't shut the outside door until it clicked and it was really windy so my door was making sounds like someone had opened the door and was rapping on the inner door. It scared the crap out of both of us!! It was funny because I was so glad I wasn't alone, but I guess that wouldn't have happened if she hadn't been over and didn't close the door properly, ha ha.