Wednesday, March 12, 2014


In more ways than one, I can see the light!
1. The sun has started shining, the snow is melting, and the weather has become a lot lot lot better.
2. I only have a month left until classes are done forever!!!

I can't help but feel relieved after getting my iron ring. Sure, it doesn't mean that I'm completely done and graduated or anything, but it signifies the 4 years of hard work that I've put in, and that I'm nearly at the finish line. Just like running a race, there's a point in the middle where you begin doubting whether or not it was worth it, but when you reach that point where the finish is in sight, you get a bit of rocket fuel and push for the finish.
I absolutely cannot wait to be done school. It was a turbulent 5 (technically 6) years of my life. It had ups and downs, and now there's another phase of life to begin. When school finishes, work starts, and I'm hoping that it is fun and full of new experiences.
Things have calmed down on the social front. I'm spending more time to myself. And training harder for my run. I'm not as focused on yoga these days, but I'll get back into it when time allows. Things with the boyfriend have improved, mostly because I think we are both less grumpy because the weather is getting better. And I'm just feeling a lot better this week about everything. I feel comfortable, yet not too comfortable. There are still things to worry about, but one day at a time.
I need money. Haha. That's my main concern at the moment. But I can survive :)

1 comment:

AN said...

Yay for sunlight and lights at ends of tunnels! Goooooooo rocket fuel!!