Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Peanut butter with a spoon

So I went to Superstore one day and saw coupons for Kraft Peanut Butter, and they were only 3 dollars because they were on sale plus a dollar off from the coupon so it was 2 dollars for a jar of honey peanut butter.
This was a week ago. I ate the whole thing out of the jar with a spoon. It is so good. Oh gosh. That is a lot of peanut butter.

In the blogging mood

When it all comes to the end, and we are lying in our death bed. Is it really going to matter if we made all that money? Or if we owned that beautiful car? We don't get those material things anymore.
What we get is the happiness of knowing we passed on our legacy to the next generation. So do we want the next generation to be obsessed with being skinny, or owning that Ferrari or having that beautiful mansion that was too big for the 3 of you? Or do we want the next generation to genuinely appreciate the beautiful gift of life, love, respect for each other, care for the less fortunate?
It's your choice. Every little step brings you a little bit closer to a better world. Even if it doesn't happen in your lifetime, maybe if we all tried now, it would happen in the future.
So think about being happy in non-material ways, because that actually makes us better people. We show more gratitude when we appreciate people for what they do, not what they give us, and more internal stability when we realize that happiness comes from within and not the material goods around us.
Do what makes you happy. Don't look back. Your life will be worth 'more' when you do what you love and you love the world and the people around you.

Monday, October 28, 2013


History - 95% = A!
Municipal Systems - 90% - Average: 70%
Hydraulics - 86.5% - Highest Mark was 88%

Yay! Yay! Yay! I need to study tons for my exam tomorrow. I want to keep my grades up for the rest of the semester and do really good! EEEP.
I can't believe my brain still works after 20 months away from life.
I love you, brain!

I love this place

Yesterday was a weird day. Not weird because of anything that happened, but weird because of the mood that I was in.
On Saturday, I volunteered, then hung out with Elizabeth to get a costume for the Halloween party, and then I went to a Halloween party at the Druid. And oh boy, did I drink my weight's worth of booze. Drink after drink after drink after drink. No pukey pukey. No sicky sicky. Drink drink drink, and then I cut myself off and started drinking water. That is, until someone started buying me shots of tequila.
I cannot remember anything other than that really. Where did Elizabeth go that night? Who was I talking to all night. WTF. AH. Such a bad feeling to not know what happened during the night. But I know I had fun at least?
So the weird mood I was in had everything to do with not knowing what happened the night before. Also, I hadn't really heard from Jake all Friday and Saturday, so I was just kind of iffy about the whole issue, and feeling strange and blah blah blah. I hate boys and junk. They are so confusing. Plus a lot of people have been confiding in me to give them advice on life and school and whatever, and I don't like drama. I think it's funny when it's mine, but when I have to deal with other people's, I feel responsible and try so hard to take care of people. Sometimes I have no control and I just need to know that, but I feel like I should be trying to help them even when I can't really. It's confusing! But then I said, you know what, Eff this. I am taking the day off. I should actually have been studying for my midterm that is on Tuesday, but I don't really care at this point. I'm kind of ready to go home to sleep for a week. HAHA. So after I said Efffffffff this, I put my cell phone on my bed, packed myself into my winter coat (IT SNOWED YESTERDAY!!!! SO BEAUTIFUL AND LOVELY AND YAY WINTER!!!!!!!!) and went out for the day. First, I went to city hall because I remembered there was a concert on at some point but since I didn't take my phone with me, I couldn't check what time it was at because I just kind of left without thinking about where I was going. Then I went to the library and read a book for an hour. The author was from Edmonton and it was so funny because I didn't realize that until the text mentioned Bonnie Doon Mall. Haha. And then I went to the mall for some coffee and shopping. Then the concert was at 3 and it was the most delightful concert! It was the youth choirs singing, and the choristers were age ranged from kindergarten to senior year high school. They were so cute and the high school kids were so good! I am still amazed by the sound that human voices can make, especially when in a large group in a choir. Bass voices are the best! So after all that, I went home, studied for a bit, and then went to get groceries.
Roy had a bunch of friends over for a wine tasting, so when I got back from groceries, I sat with them and drank some wine. Then Jake came over and I poured myself some vodka pineapple and relaxed with him and went to bed super early. Sleep makes me super happy. So does drinking. HAHA. I think I really needed that day off yesterday. It felt soo good. Today I feel relaxed and happy and calm.
I need a break. Too much in too little time. I think I'm exhausting myself by trying to do too much and avoid being alone. The problem is that I feel like a loser when I'm alone. But then I remember, I don't give a shiz about actually being alone. All I care is about being considered a loner by other people. But then again, if I don't hang out with people, how would they know I spend a lot of time alone? HAHA. Fack me. My life is stupid sometimes.
Have a great week everybody! Kisses all round :) Winter kisses!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Love Love Love

Today as I was walking to the train station from volleyball, I stopped for a second and took in the beautiful night. The wind was blowing and the leaves were rustling as they fell off the trees, as they collided with each other on the ground and scraped against the cool concrete. The night was dark with the lighting coming from street lamps and inside the university buildings. And it was just quiet. No music, no talking, just the sound of nature and the hint of human activity. It was lovely. Absolutely wonderful.
Finished 4 of 5 midterms! I am almost done my second last ever round of midterms :)
Getting back into volleyball was so nice. I missed the feeling of the ball hitting my arms and leaving giant red marks on them. I love the team vibe. The excitement of a winning point. The suspense as someone makes a great save. The smiles of people having fun.
Today I felt like buying soup for lunch from Sobeys. And then I had a second thought. I volunteered at homeless connect and since then, it's made me question my spending. Do I really need that bag of chips? Or that chai? Or those clothes? Usually the answer is no. I have food at home. I have clothes to wear already that maybe I don't like as much, but it is wearable. So no, I should not be spending this money. So instead of buying soup for myself, I bought soup and a bun and grabbed some crackers and gave it all to the poor guy selling those homeless newspaper things in the chilly weather. He looked happy and started eating his soup as I was crossing the street to go home.

Today was a good day.


There are a lot of ugly people in this world.
Not ugly physically, but mentally.
How hard is it to hold a door open for a poor man with 3 shopping bags, a guitar on his back, and to top it off, hobbling around on crutches?
Apparently too hard.
How rude for people to not offer a friendly smile or even acknowledge the lady handing out the metro?
Or the homeless guy selling papers on the street corner.
Stupid people. Stop thinking you're better than these poor people just because you have more money. It doesn't make you better.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Homeless Connect

Today was the best day and the worst day of my life. Over dramatic I know, but it just made me realize how incredibly greedy I am.
I have everything that anyone could possibly ask for. Home, clothes, family, food, water, etc. And still I want more. These people on the street? All they ask for are their basic needs. I have never met anybody so grateful for just a nice warm meal than these people that came to the Shaw Conference center today. We barely thank the people who cook for us. We buy excessively, eat excessively, take our families for granted, and hate recklessly. Why do we do this when we have everything and these people have nothing?

I hate myself right now for being one of those greedy people. I hate myself for buying things that I don't wear. For not eating food just because I decide I don't like it and it ends up in the garbage. For not appreciating my home cooked meal. For not appreciating the way that people just respect me as a normal human being. It sucks because I know I'm not even that bad. It just really really sucks.

What bothered me a lot at this event was that I could tell that some people were just volunteering for the sake of being a volunteer to put it on their resume. Especially the young kids.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


It is fall! The autumn air is so beautiful! Today I was walking to my car after working at the yoga studio, and there was the most adorable pair of girls walking around in the falling leaves! The one was an adorable little girl and the other was maybe her mom? Sister? But they were giggling and playing in the leaves, and my heart was filled was joy and love!!!!! It was beautiful.

Life is beautiful. Remember to take time and appreciate all the little things, all the big things, and everything in between.

Love and Bliss!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Oh baby. It's Thanksgiving Time!

Diane comes home tomorrow!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
So since it is that time again, I am making a list of things that I am thankful for in the spirit of Thanksgiving weekend :)

  1. My perfect/imperfect family - I love them so much! Everything is perfect about my family in an imperfect way :)
  2. My wealth - emotionally, economically, socially - I have so much in all these things. I can afford to go to universe. I could afford to go travelling for a year. I have amazing friends. I have emotional strength that I've developed over really hard times and I am sooo thankful that I have a thicker skin than I used to.
  3. The weather - I love the colder weather that is starting to come! Sweaters and scarves and boots time.
  4. Good luck - I have incredible luck! Everything always seems to fall into place for me even when I expect that things won't work out, or that they shouldn't work out, somehow everything just works.
  5. My physical health - I have been blessed with a wonderful body that can do everything. I can walk, run, play sports, everything! I am lucky to be able to exercise and love myself for it.
  6. My brain - Even though I wish sometimes I didn't have such an intellectual brain, I love it. It helps me organize and do complicated math problems and still it wants more!
  7. Yoga - Without yoga, my life wouldn't be so calm. I love the breathing techniques and how it allows my brain to focus and relax.
So in other news! I am going for a long weekend with the girly poos in Banff next month! I am super excited for that. And super excited for midterm season to be over in 2 weeks :) Life is good. 
Also, I had an emotional meltdown last night when I was super drunky poo. I cried for like an hour but it was extremely therapeutic. Basically, I realized all the relationships I've had in the past (excluding the very non-serious ones in high school) have broken me in ways that I hadn't realized before. The guys hurt me even though I never really thought they did and I broke up with them, but that doesn't mean I wasn't hurt in that relationship! So I cried because I realized that I'm scared to let new people into my life now because I'm always scared of getting hurt. Yes, so that is a great way to scare a new boy away. Crazy crazy coming out in me. Haha. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013


That is not a screaming Ahhhhhh. That is a relaxed sigh of relief Ahhhhhhhh. :)
This weekend I headed home after having a crazy busy week of everything! It gets hard sometimes when life is so busy that I am constantly rushing around, but I made the decision to do that and I love/hate it! Monday was school, work, choir. Tuesday was school, school, dodgeball. Wednesday was my school and free day. And by free, I mean doing homework but I got to see Jake. And then Thursday was school, work, school! Friday was nice and relaxed, but I still feel like I rush around a lot because silly me cannot just sit still and relax at home! My version of relaxing is fitting in every physical activity that I possibly can. Haha. So instead of relaxing during my class break or after classes, I went to the gym and then went to yoga. BUTTTTT.
I got a nice relaxing Friday night and Saturday and Sunday morning at home in Red Deer. The cool part was that I drove Alvin home from school on Friday and it was so nice getting to talk to him like a real person rather than just my cousin/relative. He seems like he has become a really really nice kid!
On Friday night, I went shopping with the rents at Superstore, and then I did homework til past midnight and went to bed. On Saturday, I woke up early to go for a run, hung out with Amanda, went to the dentist, went and got my oil changed (not actually mine but my car's, DUH), and then made dinner which was spaghetti squash mac and cheese! So delicious and easy to make. Afterwards, I saw Lauren at Starbucks and we chatted for nearly 4 hours! And then homework til wayyyy too late at night. Today, I woke up and saw Amanda briefly, did headstands over and over because I can finally do them against a wall! And then homework, now relaxing before the drive back to Edmonton. Today is ultimate frisbee and super study day! I have a midterm on Thursday and I am determined to ace it!