Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Love Love Love

Today as I was walking to the train station from volleyball, I stopped for a second and took in the beautiful night. The wind was blowing and the leaves were rustling as they fell off the trees, as they collided with each other on the ground and scraped against the cool concrete. The night was dark with the lighting coming from street lamps and inside the university buildings. And it was just quiet. No music, no talking, just the sound of nature and the hint of human activity. It was lovely. Absolutely wonderful.
Finished 4 of 5 midterms! I am almost done my second last ever round of midterms :)
Getting back into volleyball was so nice. I missed the feeling of the ball hitting my arms and leaving giant red marks on them. I love the team vibe. The excitement of a winning point. The suspense as someone makes a great save. The smiles of people having fun.
Today I felt like buying soup for lunch from Sobeys. And then I had a second thought. I volunteered at homeless connect and since then, it's made me question my spending. Do I really need that bag of chips? Or that chai? Or those clothes? Usually the answer is no. I have food at home. I have clothes to wear already that maybe I don't like as much, but it is wearable. So no, I should not be spending this money. So instead of buying soup for myself, I bought soup and a bun and grabbed some crackers and gave it all to the poor guy selling those homeless newspaper things in the chilly weather. He looked happy and started eating his soup as I was crossing the street to go home.

Today was a good day.

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