Friday, October 11, 2013

Oh baby. It's Thanksgiving Time!

Diane comes home tomorrow!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
So since it is that time again, I am making a list of things that I am thankful for in the spirit of Thanksgiving weekend :)

  1. My perfect/imperfect family - I love them so much! Everything is perfect about my family in an imperfect way :)
  2. My wealth - emotionally, economically, socially - I have so much in all these things. I can afford to go to universe. I could afford to go travelling for a year. I have amazing friends. I have emotional strength that I've developed over really hard times and I am sooo thankful that I have a thicker skin than I used to.
  3. The weather - I love the colder weather that is starting to come! Sweaters and scarves and boots time.
  4. Good luck - I have incredible luck! Everything always seems to fall into place for me even when I expect that things won't work out, or that they shouldn't work out, somehow everything just works.
  5. My physical health - I have been blessed with a wonderful body that can do everything. I can walk, run, play sports, everything! I am lucky to be able to exercise and love myself for it.
  6. My brain - Even though I wish sometimes I didn't have such an intellectual brain, I love it. It helps me organize and do complicated math problems and still it wants more!
  7. Yoga - Without yoga, my life wouldn't be so calm. I love the breathing techniques and how it allows my brain to focus and relax.
So in other news! I am going for a long weekend with the girly poos in Banff next month! I am super excited for that. And super excited for midterm season to be over in 2 weeks :) Life is good. 
Also, I had an emotional meltdown last night when I was super drunky poo. I cried for like an hour but it was extremely therapeutic. Basically, I realized all the relationships I've had in the past (excluding the very non-serious ones in high school) have broken me in ways that I hadn't realized before. The guys hurt me even though I never really thought they did and I broke up with them, but that doesn't mean I wasn't hurt in that relationship! So I cried because I realized that I'm scared to let new people into my life now because I'm always scared of getting hurt. Yes, so that is a great way to scare a new boy away. Crazy crazy coming out in me. Haha. 

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