Sunday, October 20, 2013

Homeless Connect

Today was the best day and the worst day of my life. Over dramatic I know, but it just made me realize how incredibly greedy I am.
I have everything that anyone could possibly ask for. Home, clothes, family, food, water, etc. And still I want more. These people on the street? All they ask for are their basic needs. I have never met anybody so grateful for just a nice warm meal than these people that came to the Shaw Conference center today. We barely thank the people who cook for us. We buy excessively, eat excessively, take our families for granted, and hate recklessly. Why do we do this when we have everything and these people have nothing?

I hate myself right now for being one of those greedy people. I hate myself for buying things that I don't wear. For not eating food just because I decide I don't like it and it ends up in the garbage. For not appreciating my home cooked meal. For not appreciating the way that people just respect me as a normal human being. It sucks because I know I'm not even that bad. It just really really sucks.

What bothered me a lot at this event was that I could tell that some people were just volunteering for the sake of being a volunteer to put it on their resume. Especially the young kids.

1 comment:

AN said...

Oopsy doopsy, I didn't know you blogged about this!

Don't hate yourself! Just embrace the fact that you've got some things to work on. I think we can definitely all work on appreciating the things we have, but I think also that we have been programmed since the day we were born to want more because of how crazy our society is. There's always something more out there to have/buy/do. We see people with nothing, but we also see people who have more than us, and it's hard to not latch onto that.
