Tuesday, October 29, 2013

In the blogging mood

When it all comes to the end, and we are lying in our death bed. Is it really going to matter if we made all that money? Or if we owned that beautiful car? We don't get those material things anymore.
What we get is the happiness of knowing we passed on our legacy to the next generation. So do we want the next generation to be obsessed with being skinny, or owning that Ferrari or having that beautiful mansion that was too big for the 3 of you? Or do we want the next generation to genuinely appreciate the beautiful gift of life, love, respect for each other, care for the less fortunate?
It's your choice. Every little step brings you a little bit closer to a better world. Even if it doesn't happen in your lifetime, maybe if we all tried now, it would happen in the future.
So think about being happy in non-material ways, because that actually makes us better people. We show more gratitude when we appreciate people for what they do, not what they give us, and more internal stability when we realize that happiness comes from within and not the material goods around us.
Do what makes you happy. Don't look back. Your life will be worth 'more' when you do what you love and you love the world and the people around you.

1 comment:

AN said...

Gee whiz, is this a letter to me? :P