Monday, October 28, 2013

I love this place

Yesterday was a weird day. Not weird because of anything that happened, but weird because of the mood that I was in.
On Saturday, I volunteered, then hung out with Elizabeth to get a costume for the Halloween party, and then I went to a Halloween party at the Druid. And oh boy, did I drink my weight's worth of booze. Drink after drink after drink after drink. No pukey pukey. No sicky sicky. Drink drink drink, and then I cut myself off and started drinking water. That is, until someone started buying me shots of tequila.
I cannot remember anything other than that really. Where did Elizabeth go that night? Who was I talking to all night. WTF. AH. Such a bad feeling to not know what happened during the night. But I know I had fun at least?
So the weird mood I was in had everything to do with not knowing what happened the night before. Also, I hadn't really heard from Jake all Friday and Saturday, so I was just kind of iffy about the whole issue, and feeling strange and blah blah blah. I hate boys and junk. They are so confusing. Plus a lot of people have been confiding in me to give them advice on life and school and whatever, and I don't like drama. I think it's funny when it's mine, but when I have to deal with other people's, I feel responsible and try so hard to take care of people. Sometimes I have no control and I just need to know that, but I feel like I should be trying to help them even when I can't really. It's confusing! But then I said, you know what, Eff this. I am taking the day off. I should actually have been studying for my midterm that is on Tuesday, but I don't really care at this point. I'm kind of ready to go home to sleep for a week. HAHA. So after I said Efffffffff this, I put my cell phone on my bed, packed myself into my winter coat (IT SNOWED YESTERDAY!!!! SO BEAUTIFUL AND LOVELY AND YAY WINTER!!!!!!!!) and went out for the day. First, I went to city hall because I remembered there was a concert on at some point but since I didn't take my phone with me, I couldn't check what time it was at because I just kind of left without thinking about where I was going. Then I went to the library and read a book for an hour. The author was from Edmonton and it was so funny because I didn't realize that until the text mentioned Bonnie Doon Mall. Haha. And then I went to the mall for some coffee and shopping. Then the concert was at 3 and it was the most delightful concert! It was the youth choirs singing, and the choristers were age ranged from kindergarten to senior year high school. They were so cute and the high school kids were so good! I am still amazed by the sound that human voices can make, especially when in a large group in a choir. Bass voices are the best! So after all that, I went home, studied for a bit, and then went to get groceries.
Roy had a bunch of friends over for a wine tasting, so when I got back from groceries, I sat with them and drank some wine. Then Jake came over and I poured myself some vodka pineapple and relaxed with him and went to bed super early. Sleep makes me super happy. So does drinking. HAHA. I think I really needed that day off yesterday. It felt soo good. Today I feel relaxed and happy and calm.
I need a break. Too much in too little time. I think I'm exhausting myself by trying to do too much and avoid being alone. The problem is that I feel like a loser when I'm alone. But then I remember, I don't give a shiz about actually being alone. All I care is about being considered a loner by other people. But then again, if I don't hang out with people, how would they know I spend a lot of time alone? HAHA. Fack me. My life is stupid sometimes.
Have a great week everybody! Kisses all round :) Winter kisses!

1 comment:

AN said...

Ha ha ha, your writing style just makes me laugh these days. That's such an awesome idea to ditch the phone and go adventuring. I find that even on my days off, I always try to plan things to do to relax, and it stresses me out! Gotta try what you did. Also, I like your use of "fack." In Bull Skit they pretended they were in Elizabethan times and said "feck." Good stories!