Friday, July 8, 2011

Server is down at work...
I will make a list of things instead:

Things I want to buy:

A vacation
Cowboy boots
Earl Grey Latte
Shampoo and Conditioner
Make up

Things I want to be able to wear:

Cowboy Boots
Tights and shorts
Big billowy sweaters
Skinny flip flops if I didn't have ginormous fat feet

Things I want to learn:

More Cantonese
How to waterfall braid my hair
How to be less embarrassed by myself
How to be confident
How to get over my constant junk food craving
How to get the proper nutrition as a vegetarian

Things I dislike:

People being hurt
Cold, rainy weather for lengthy periods of time
Being a professional
Judgement, prejudice, stereotypes

Things I like:

Boys (for entertainment purposes)
Strawberries (but not the squishy sour ones)
Mangoes, blueberries, watermelon, pears, apples
Ice Cream in the summertime
When it is still bright out at 10 p.m. and warm
Worry-free feeling
Being relaxed
Heart-to-hearts with people
Trees, flowers, grass, bugs, animals, nature

Places I want to go:

New Zealand
New York

I was going to make a people I love list, but I realize now that I love everybody. Everyone helps me everyday to be the person I want to be. Whether I hate them, or am good friends with them, I still love them, for they are a learning experience. I don't really hate people. I don't have the darkness in my heart to kick people to the curb and be an angry or mean person to them. I take it one day at a time. Everytime I wake up, I start new. Nothing that happened yesterday or in years passed, can make me be mean to a person today. My goal is to live with this mentality. Like I used to say, I don't live in the past or the future. Live in the present. No regrets and no expectations. Be always happy with what you have, for only a fool would be unhappy with that which is in his life.

1 comment:

AN said...

Dear You,

Thank you for all these entertaining posts written while you were at work!!


Grungsho (the verification word for me to post this comment)