Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Today is not a people day for me.
I CANNOT stand lazy people. It irritates me to an extreme.
Once upon a time, I showed Steve where I park when I drive, and he was like 'OMFG. That's so far away!' And kept going on and on about how I should park at Superstore so that it would be closer. BLAH BLAH BLAH. And it is honestly 5 blocks away, taking about 5 minutes if not less to walk...
So apparently the parking at Superstore is no longer free, so him and Wendi are complaining like it is the end of the world. OH NO!!! Now we actually have to walk and not be fucking lazy assholes. Pardon the French. But I don't understand it at all. How hard can it be to leave a little bit earlier everyday and enjoy walking for a change. That's what we were meant to do is to be on our feet. The legs and feet aren't just meant to press pedals. So then Steve procedes to say 'I actually enjoy the walk in the morning. BLAH BLAH BLAH'. LIKE ARE YOU FOR FUCKING SERIOUS? And you were ragging on me earlier this month about parking so far away. STUPID PIECE OF SHIT PERSON. Either be you and only you, or do be anything at all. I am so annoyed by people that are fake and inconsistent.
So now I am hoping that there will be no chance of me actually having to talk to him or I am going to be a ginormous bitch. It might be getting close to that time of the month, so if I have to suffer through a conversation with him, I might actually rip his head off. Actually, nevermind that, I don't even want to touch that.

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