Monday, February 6, 2012

I was super flipping angry earlier today.
So far for my trip to Kelowna, I call it my trip because no one else seems to give a fuck about planning it so here I am doing all the work, I have called Thane and arranged all the scuba before and during the trip, I have planned the car ride (which requires me getting my oil changed so that I don't kill my vehicle, which I wouldn't have to do yet if I didn't drive to Saskatoon last weekend), and I am the only one looking into hotels/ place to stay.
So far Shane and Rachelle have done nothing.
Hmmm. I wonder what's wrong there.
So this weekend, I drove to Saskatoon... for Rachelle.
I let her take Meeka (her dog) in my car.
I didn't ask anything of her in return, except that maybe we can share the driving.
That didn't happen. Also, she didn't talk to me the whole car ride home.
She also didn't really want to explore Saskatoon and instead wanted to make a battleshots board instead of wandering downtown. I drove all this way for you to get ready for a party that we could have had in Edmonton?
She didn't say thank you for driving. She paid for gas though which should obviously be her fees. She didn't offer to drive when I said I was tired on the way home.
And today I was asking her about the hotel for Kelowna and she replied 'Look, I'm at work and don't have time for this right now. The review for Days Inn said it's fine. Just pick one.'
EXCUSE ME?! You're going to be snarky with me when I do way more than you in life, and I just drove you to Saskatoon to visit YOUR friend, and I'm planning this whole fucking trip to Kelowna?
What a bitch. That's all I have to say. I knew she was one, but the true bitch finally came out, so I'm sick of it. I don't enjoy making decisions when I always 'make the wrong decision'. She always says I can make the choices, and then is obviously disappointed with whatever I decide to do.
She can suck my dick. I can only be nice for so long.

1 comment:

AN said...

:( :( :(

Since your next post says running is your remedy, I hope you're feeling lots better about everything!

Your peeps gotta start pulling their weight though!