Saturday, February 18, 2012

So first dive did not work out as planned.
We didn't have enough weighting and couldn't sink to the bottom of the water.
I had less troubles than the other two just because I was super relaxed and thought the water was amazing.
So the other 2 are kind of pissy... Grumpy, moody, whatever. It's kind of awful to hang out with grumpy people.
I'm super happy though. Kelowna is beautiful. Things will work out.
Right now I'm really tired though. 11 hours of driving, 5 hours of sleep, 2 hours of attempted diving... I'm worn out. Worst part is that Rachelle wants me to pay for gas when I'm the ONLY one driving and then it's my car if anything happens.
I had to stress the WHOLE time through the mountains because it blizzarded for half of the drive through them. Scary scary shit.
Now I'm at this beautiful little restaurant called the Grateful Fed pub. So cute. Decorated with a crapload of music things.
Love. I want to live here. Haha.

1 comment:

AN said...

Is the weighting something you have to figure out on your own?? I hope your dive tomorrow goes well!

Yay for beautiful Kelowna!

THANK YOU FOR DRIVING!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 I am really glad you made it safely through the mountain.s Hopefully the weather and roads are clear on the way home.