Monday, December 9, 2013

4 more days!!

And my second last semester of undergrad will be complete :)
This makes me happy:

It was the one A I knew I could guarantee myself if I tried hard enough :)

So even though it isn't even time for New Years Resolutions, I've had a really hard last couple of weeks, and I want to make sure that I don't fall into that same burnt out routine next semester.
Since it is my absolute last semester, I am going to make sure it is the best semester that I've ever had!
So these are the things that I want to make sure I do early next year:

1) Chakras class with Tasha
2) Keep karmi-ing so that I can do yoga at least 3 times a week.
3) Start training for my half marathon that is officially on April 27.
4) Do the MS Bike Tour.
5) Stop binge drinking.
6) Take time to myself and relax at home when I can.
7) Explore restaurants in Edmonton!

These things will hopefully keep me a little bit more sane... I hope!

1 comment:

AN said...

Yayyyy for the A! And very nice list for the new year! :)