Friday, December 6, 2013

It's too much

Everything feels wrong.
Today I felt so exhausted that I could barely get myself out of bed and I had to take a nap halfway through the day.
I didn't feel like socializing with my coworkers at the comedy show.
I felt like I was experiencing my body outside of myself.
My laughs were fake.
My conversations full of fake sincerity.
When I first got there, I ran to the bathroom and cried to prepare myself for the next 3 hours of faking being happy.
I don't think I can handle life.
It all feels so wrong.
The only time I feel really happy is when I see my family, my really good friends, or my boyfriend.
The other times, I'm just putting on an act.
I don't know what happened.
I am so happy and so sad at the same time.
I'm stressed out, tired, sick of superficial people and two faced-ness. I'm sick of drama over nothing.
But most of all, I'm sick of feeling sick of everything.
What the heck, eh?

1 comment:

AN said...

Oh man. I'm happy we get to see each other tomorrow! Let's talk! <3