Sunday, December 1, 2013

And the countdown begins!!

I can feel the Christmas joy all around and it is spreading through my veins and annoying all the people around me!
The problem is that I assume that everyone has a family that they get to share their love with on this special day, but in reality, a lot of people don't! And to some people, it's just another day.
I see Christmas as family time, for smiling, laughing, eating, and loving each other and truly appreciating each other's company. Poor Jake doesn't have that because his family is on the east coast and he can't afford to fly out there nor does his family get along nearly as well as mine!
It's too bad that no one gets the experience that I do... Oh what to do! What to do!

I went to the festival of trees yesterday and made a mini tree! Well actually I just decorated it :) Elizabeth took pictures of me in action!
So I left this tree on the table in our living room, and Roy isn't overly a Christmas person, so he put a plastic bag over it during the night and put a note with a big smiley face on it beside!!!!
HAHAHAHA. It was so funny. I left the tree there to spite him. Teehehehe.

Can't wait to go home for Christmas. I'm already counting down the days :)

1 comment:

AN said...

Aw, how cute!! Both you making a tree and Roy's little commentary on it. I've noticed that I try to hold in a little bit of my Christmas excitement when I'm on the street because it seems this is a pretty sad time of year for lots of people. We can do our best to spread some love around us though! :)