Sunday, December 15, 2013

Some writing

So I was cleaning my room tonight and I found an old written blog post that I wrote in class when I was bored. I decided to type it up and post it:

Everyday in yoga, instructors tell the class 'set your intention'. And many people settle on something like, I will breath throughout my practice, or I will not push myself for pride, and other things like that. But what if we set our intention on aspects of outside life too? Like I will smile at everyone today, or I will love myself entirely. If we follow through with our intention and become a bit better of a person everyday  and if we recognize how good that feels, we could be a lot happier.
On Saturday, I watched "About Time" where one of the major lessons is entirely just appreciating life for exactly what it gives you, living everyday as though you have no stress and no rush. Whatever happens will happen, and if you accept that, life suddenly feels a hell of a lot better. Nothing is holding you back from living life completely in freedom except you. You create the barriers within your life and therefore you live with the consequences. Now think about your day. Were you rushing somewhere and didn't hold that door open for the next person? Di you make a rude comment to someone because you they didn't do something right? Did you not smile at that girl because you were too busy staring at your phone? Did you get stressed out because your bus was late? Etc.
All these emotions come from your perception of the situation. If we breathe, relax, enjoy every single moment and STOP thinking about time, we suddenly have a few seconds to make someone's day better, be nicer to people, and love our own lives a bit more. True happiness lies within self love and gratitude, but in order to do this, we must first realize what is truly important.

1 comment:

AN said...

Ah, I'm in these situations a lot where I haven't seen people in a long time and want to spend time talking to them but also get pulled away by the places I "need" to be or the things I "need" to do. We totally create all these stresses. Good post!