Friday, December 13, 2013


Now that I'm almost done school and ready to start working full-time, this subject seems to come up quite a bit... MONEY.
To me, success means having a good relationship with family and friends and being happy with life in general. To others, success means making lots of money and having material objects to show for it.

Today I was hanging out with Abhishek and his friend Kan, and their definition of success was money. Owning their own business, making 500 thousand dollars a year. They believe that in order to be happy, they must first be 'successful'.
Both of them believe that success comes before finding a nice girl to be with, and that with their success, comes meeting girls and finding their future wife.
It was really strange to hear these things, because they conflict so much with my definition of happiness and success. And what I want to do with my life.
When asked what I would do with a thousand dollars a day for the rest of my life, I said I would keep whatever I could live comfortably off of, and donate the rest to charity and then volunteer to help others.
I feel like if someone were giving me money and I didn't really do anything for it, why not share it with others?
Their money would be spent on buying houses and cars so they could show off how successful they are.
I feel like that's just so wrong. And maybe I'm too opinionated about that subject, but I guess that's how it is. I have really strong opinions and I express them and that makes me a very unlikeable person sometimes.
Sorry. Blah.
It's just one of those days. I'm tired, apparently I've said the 'wrong things' to my boyfriend, and I wish that I could feel good about being done exams, but I'm not.
I feel like nothing special happened today. I've gotten to the point where I'm feeling numb again.

1 comment:

AN said...

Hullo! I'm glad you are feeling better now. <3

I totes agree with you but also can understand that strange modern human urge to flaunt wealth as a sign of success. What a world. It`s another (more extreme) version of that `wanting more' concept.