Wednesday, August 10, 2011

10 things about me:

1. I like staying up late at night so I can feel peace and quiet like I'm living alone.
2. I am rude to people I first meet so I won't have a reason to be sad if they don't like me.
3. I feel like a failure when I don't do something physically active every day of the week if I have time.
4. I haven't had coffee in over 2 months.
5. My favorite part of myself is my hair.
6. I love being single and not committed but I still miss having that dependable person to do things with.
7. I am a vegetable-arian. I love my veggies.
8. Whenever I look at food labels, the first thing I look at is the fibre content. Low fibre = not interested.
9. I love watching Jersey Shore and the Real World. MTV makes my life better.
10. I wish I could live somewhere where it was summer all year round. Shorts, dresses, and sunnies would be amazing.

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