Thursday, August 25, 2011

Problems suddenly seem insignificant when you’re talking to someone and they tell you that they’ve seen 4 of their friends die.

I didn’t even know what to say. What are my problems? I don't know if I want to be an engineer, my parents sometimes get on my nerves, I eat too much junk food... Those things don’t even compare. To me, they seem ridiculous in comparison to the death of loved ones, especially in front of your eyes.

As disturbing as it is, here’s how he saw them die:

•one was stabbed to death
•one bled to death beside him when they rolled their vehicle
•one was shot
•one was hung when they got jumped at a guy’s house

Think about this: Why in the hell are we obsessed with calories, weight, our appearance, how people see us, how life is inconvenient, how people annoy us, when we should be appreciating the fact that we’re even alive. Because some people don’t live to the age of 20. Some people don’t get the chance we do.

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