Thursday, October 27, 2011

FIT isn't just a body thing.
It's a mindset.
Ever notice that people who exercise are more energetic? Seem to be more motivated?
Get off your couch. Get off your bed.
Do something. It doesn't matter if you go for a five minute walk. Or climb stairs where you would normally take the elevator.
Each step you take to become a more active person is a step in the right direction.
Eventually you will run a kilometer. You'll be able to bench press your body weight. Whatever.
If you don't get off your butt, you won't even have a chance.
'Even if you run slow, you're still lapping everyone on the couch'

I've noticed that since I started working out almost everyday, I've been in a happier place. I'm relaxed almost no matter what happens. I don't have crazy mood swings (mostly). And I have more energy.
I look in the mirror and think I'm hot stuff. I feel more comfortable in my clothes. I don't care what other people think of me.
And most importantly, I'm happy with myself. Everything from my personality to my body. I love it all.

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