Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Officially placed with Golder!!!
I think this decision solidifies my values. I've chosen to follow my heart with what I want to do, instead of choosing a job that will pay me more. In my heart, that's what differentiates me from a lot of people in engineering.
I often hear people say 'ooh, engineering. Big money'. Pfffffft. I don't care about money. I mean, it's important. Sure, it can buy me a big house, nice clothes, beautiful cars, but those things bring momentary happiness. Do you often find that after you buy something really nice, you get that feeling of excitement? And then after a few days, weeks, months, it's gone? Think about a relationship with your best friend, sister, someone who makes you feel happy. Does the happiness from this person feel the same as when you bought something? Hopefully not. Life is about the relationships that you build, the things you create, the people that you help, and the way you appreciate what is given to you. Not how much money you make and what you buy with it. Maybe those things will come with time or will be a reward for your hard work done honestly and with integrity.
But I'm sure as heck not in engineering for the money. I'm in it because I thought I'd find my passion. And maybe I have, but I don't know yet. I'm not here to make money. To me, it's never been about money. I thought I was just saying that, but my decision for this work term really solidified my feelings. I could never imagine working for the city just because I would make more money. I want to wake up and be excited to go to work everyday.
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