Thursday, October 6, 2011

Today is Thursday, we all know what that means!!
One more day until I get to go home.
The unfortunate part of it all is that I have 5 assignments to finish for Tuesday and also a midterm to study for that is on Tuesday. I can multitask :D
Yesterday I went on 3 runs to combine into 10k and then I went shopping at night time with Rachelle! We had dinner in the food court and there is this awesome place called freshii that has tasty food that seems rather healthy! I got the Asian noodle bowl and it had tofu in it and lemongrass sauce. It was so spicy! I also bought another blazer. I now have 3 blazers, a tan one, a red one, and a black one. I'm so professional! Haha.
Today I have 2 job interviews, and I am going to ace the crap out of them.
Also, turns out I forgot about dinner plans at Famoso (delicious Italian pizzeria) and will be going there with Emily and Hayley and not going to hot yoga... I don't know what I'm going to do about working out! :S I would feel bad if I skipped a day of working out, especially when I didn't work out all weekend.
Anyways, have a good day and prepare yourselves for an awesome Thanksgiving weekend!!!
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