Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'm so ridiculous.
Back and forth on this whole boy thing.
Josh got back from Mexico today, and texted me right when he got back to the airport. Not even when he had gotten home and was done talking to his family, but right when he got back..
He seems excited to talk to me. I'm excited that I was on the top of his priority list.
But not excited to actually talk to him. I like knowing that I'm the center of attention. Even when I don't care for the people paying attention to me.
That's my problem with guys. I just want them to like me so I that I know they like me.
I don't like them. I just use them for the attention they give me.
UGH. I'm dumb.

1 comment:

AN said...

You use boys the way cats use humans. Sigh.