Monday, October 17, 2011

Wondering why I still think transit is a reliable source of transportation. Haha.
Also, aced both interviews today, hoping I can at least get an offer from one of them since they both seem like good enough work to do it for 8 months. I have one last one on Wednesday for an environmental position writing EIA's and learning about contaminant clean ups and whatnot. Hoping I can get a job with them because I love the environment!
I am really back on the fitness bandwagon. 6k run and hot yoga today. Instead of deciding to eat chocolates when I was craving sweets, I ate some honeydew and pineapple. If that isn't a healthy choice, I don't know what is.
My mood swings were definitely hormonal earlier last week. Feeling so much better now about everything. My body feels better, my mind is calm and relaxed. This week can only get better. :)
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1 comment:

DN said...

Awesome job with your fitness and healthy choices! Sounds like your week is off to a fantastic start :D. Yay!