Thursday, August 18, 2011

Press play and read the post.

Today, I feel in love with the world.
Like nothing can go wrong.
I feel powerful because of this feeling.
Nothing can phase me.
I choose my fate.
I can dwell on the past, or I can just move passed it and live in the now.
Now is the time of my life.
Now is the time when I'm young with no commitments.

Take advantage of the freedom you have.
Go capture the things you've been chasing.
Forget your insecurities.
Forget your worries.
Take a step outside, smell the fresh air, and say 'I'm beautiful. I'm happy. I'm confident. Nothing in the world can stop me from being the best I can be.'
What's meant to be is what is meant to be.
No regrets. Each step of the way has it's challenges. But as far as you get pushed back, push back twice as hard and twice as fast and come out victorious. On top of the world.
Don't give up on yourself.
The hardest times of your life can make you so much stronger.
Fill your lungs, scream, and take a plunge.
Because the only way you can grow is if you live.
Don't just exist, LIVE.

1 comment:

AN said...

Gorgeous post! Loved reading it along with the music! Very nice touch. :)